It was my first time outside of the United States, and it was the most rewarding experience I ever had. I wouldn’t even think twice before leaving for Nicaragua again. God worked so much in my heart while I was there, and even more afterwards. It was great getting to know five wonderful men of God, and seeing them work their butts off in the heat of the day. I loved seeing the faces on the people who lived in the houses that the men built. Many of the locals even pitched in and helped us! It was amazing to see! My favorite part though, were the lovely children! Oh my gosh, I fell in love with them even before I met them. I could spend the whole afternoon playing with them and goofing off, even though we didn’t understand each other! I was so saddened inside everytime I had to say goodbye to those sweet darlings. I miss them even to this day. God has shown me so much through this one adventure that I had, and I literally can not wait until my next visit to the wonderful country of Nicaragua!